Purple mountain youth spring shining flower fair.


By the ministry of agriculture, the Taiwan affairs office, the state forestry administration, China ccpit, China food industry association and fujian province people's government hosted "the ninth modern agriculture exposition on both sides of the strait, the 19th flower expo" across the Taiwan straits in fujian zhangzhou flower expo garden, on November 18th. During the period of flower exposition, purple mountain group highlights the purple mountain fountain, purple mountain gourmet spa, purple mountain pickles, and other products, attracts many visitors stop to watch, to come to the booth consulting, purchase of visitors.




The purple mountain fountain bottle mould is especially dazzling.

At the entrance of security check, purple mountain mineral spring is very conspicuous.

Ready to go

The big screen scrolls purple mountain products.

Young people scan code to pay.

There is an endless stream of tourists buying purple mountain products.

The purple mountain fountain tent became a landscape.


The last one:Fujian zishan group co., LTD. 2016 quality credit report.

The next one:Hongshuihe, President of zishan group, is a visiting professor of zhangzhou vocational and technical

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