Fujian zishan group co., LTD. 2016 quality credit report.


Orders to record

Part one: preface.

1, the establishment of the document indicates that...... 1

The objective statement of the report is that... 1

The chairman's speech at the meeting of the chairman. 1

4, the enterprise profile......... 2

The second part: the text of the report.

1, the concept of enterprise quality...... 2-3

2, internal quality management... 3-5

3, the integrity of the enterprise. 5 to 7

On the basis of the quality of the enterprise... 7

5, product quality responsibility...... 7-8 -

6, quality management risk management... 8

The third part: the conclusion of the report.

Part I preface.

I. preparation of instructions.

(1) declaration: this report is a quality credit report issued by fujian zishan group co., LTD.

(2) report organization scope: fuzi shan group co., LTD.

(3) report time range: January 1, 2016 solstice December 31, 2016.

(4) report data: the data used in this report are from fujian purple mountain group co., LTD.

(5) report release cycle: fujian zishan group co., LTD. Quality credit report is the annual report.

(6) report acquisition mode: this report is published in electronic form on the website of fujian zishan group co., LTD., and the website is http://www.indianabankruptcyrecords.com/.

Address: the village of the village of yancuo town, longhai city.

Telephone: 0595-6657988

Zip code: 362615

Ii. Objective statement of content of the report.

Issued by the company of "quality credit report, is the comprehensive summary, the company since its establishment, the quality of credit work related data, especially since nearly three years of data and the work situation, is in the company strictly abide by the relevant state laws, regulations and industry standards, procedures, earnestly implement the enterprise product quality responsibility, establishing mechanisms for quality good faith results in the work.

Report all relevant data and information true, credible, accord with GB/T 22120-22120 "standard of enterprise credit data item" and GB/T 22118-2008 "standard of enterprise credit information collection, processing, and provide", the company responsible for the objectivity of the content of the report and take the initiative to accept social supervision.

Hereby declare.

Fujian zishan group co. LTD.

October 20, 2017.

Iii. Speech by the President of the group.

Quality first, integrity management is the market economy to all modern enterprises basic requirements, is the enterprise survival foundation. There is no good faith, no good faith, no good faith. Honesty is a virtue of the Chinese nation, the honest code of honor for the country is a reflection of "neither", is the embodiment of the brand and reputation for enterprise, for an individual is the embodiment of the personality and personality.

Purple mountain has always pursued "quality first" purpose, uphold the "let consumers eat rest assured food" brand culture creed, and integrate the enterprise concept to all aspects of production and operation activities, into the employees' behavior in the specification. Firmly establish a "quality first, integrity-based" quality credit concept, on the basis of firmly establish the idea of service for the customers and consumers, the good faith management, the good faith starts a career, really do not harm, do not deceive customers and consumers, and consumers to provide quality products and services for our customers. The company takes the website and the blackboard newspaper as the carrier, vigorously promotes the "dedicated love post, honest and trustworthy" the advanced model, actively guides the staff diligently to practice the enterprise idea. Through regular education and indoctrination, typical guidance and environment edification, supplemented by perfect enterprise management system, it strengthens the concept of integrity that employees and the market need to adapt to. From the leadership to staff, everyone can the quality of "quality first, integrity-based" integrity concept to carry out to every aspect of production and operation, so as to realize the value of enterprise, enhance the brand image of the enterprise.

Quality and honesty are not a matter of time, but a lifetime. In the future, we will continue to carry out the concept of "quality first, integrity text" with the utmost sincerity, and make more contributions to improve the quality and credit level of the whole food industry.

Iv. Company profile.

Purple mountain fujian group co., LTD., founded in 1984, the group company, established in 1996, is a company include canned, pickles, curry, mineral water, frozen food, fruit and vegetable drinks (concentrate) and so on several kinds of food industry chain enterprises.

As an export-oriented enterprise, the company timely adjust management strategy, namely in go all out to do export business at the same time, actively explore the domestic market, the full build "purple mountain", "Q51" brand series of products, after the market good response. At the beginning of this year, the company's water production department added a new production line of aquatic products, and the technical standard reached the advanced level in the province. The curry products with Japanese muji cooperation have been put into the market and the benefits are good. As canned industry leading enterprises, the company will continue along the orbit of the industrialized operation of agriculture, make the enterprise environmental protection, organic food type of national agricultural industrialization leading enterprises, become the canned food industry leading enterprises in the country. Leading enterprises in the implementation of the central proposed solution to the problem of "three rural areas" must play a role in driving and radiation, the size of the enterprise determines the impact of the radiation. Therefore, we must constantly expand the scale of the enterprise to make it bigger, better and stronger.

The second part is the body of the report.

I. enterprise quality concept.

1. Food safety and quality management policy.

Purple mountain has always pursued "quality first" purpose, uphold the "let consumers eat rest assured food" brand culture creed, and integrate the enterprise concept to all aspects of production and operation activities, into the employees' behavior in the specification.

The company's quality and safety policy "customer satisfaction, employee pleasure, product safety, leading healthy food trend, continuous improvement, environmental protection, service society, forging excellence ecological purple mountain."

Definition of quality safety policy.

A. customer satisfaction: satisfying customer requirements is the basic guarantee that customer satisfaction can be achieved beyond customer expectation. Customer satisfaction first is product quality and safety, and then customer's social responsibility, occupational safety and environmental protection. Only when the customer is satisfied, the market can expand, the enterprise has the development potential. All staff should be customer-oriented and customer-oriented, with the aim of quality winning, through production and work.

B. Employees are happy: the products of the enterprise, first of all, are people. With excellent people, we can have excellent products and excellent customer satisfaction. Any advanced equipment and management method, if no one is fully invested, is useless. To ensure that the rights and interests of employees, for employees to create a good learning, living and working environment of emotional engagement, to achieve efficient, harmonious, and purple mountain purple mountain, quality optimal purple mountain, saving the purple mountain, the innovation of purple mountain.

C. Product safety: food quality and safety is the foundation of the enterprise's life. It is an important symbol to measure the competitiveness of enterprises and also the most concerned issue of the society. Separate prepared food hygiene has not adapt to the demand of the modern food, there is no guarantee that the final consumer food safety, all the staff to establish highly responsible for the sense of social responsibility to consumers, fulfill "let consumers eat rest assured food" brand culture creed, finally realizes the enterprise is confident that consumers at ease, the government trust of purple mountain.

D. Lead the healthy food trend: innovation and balance development, the market determines the future, only constantly changing the concept, constantly pursuing innovation, the enterprise can continue to develop, can lead the trend. We need to constantly introduce healthy, fashionable and safe food to the market, leading the new trend of the food industry and driving the healthy development of the industry.

E. continuous improvement: promoting prevention and continuous improvement, make full use of the company's existing resources, each can improve constantly summarize and mining, down-to-earth, efforts to improve product quality, product safety, enterprise management, environmental protection, occupational health management, increases the chances of satisfied customers and stakeholders, promote enterprise and into every day, continues to develop, implement purple mountain, one hundred strong companies are sug gested for corporate purposes.

F. saving environmental protection: by all the staff in all aspects of the savings, efforts to reduce the various consumption, make our products more competitive, achieve energy conservation and emissions reduction at the same time, reduce the pollution to the environment, protect the ecological environment around us, to create a healthy and comfortable life, learning and working environment.

G. Service society: make healthy, fashionable and safe food and enrich people's material life; In order to accelerate the optimization of enterprise technology upgrading and structure, vigorously develop ecological purple mountain, increase the company's ability to absorb employment, and fulfill the responsibility for environmental protection and social stability; In order to build a harmonious society as the motive force, legal integrity management, protect the environment, strive to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of stakeholders, actively support public welfare undertakings, and realize the social responsibility of enterprises.

H. forging excellence ecological purple mountain: fully promote the standardization, sequencing and institutionalization of purple mountain enterprises, pursue the excellence of various management, and ensure the leading position of the industry; With leading enterprises to promote the common development of relevant industrial chain, vigorously develop recycling economy, forge ecological enterprises and ensure the sustainable development of zishan enterprises.

2. Quality and safety objectives and quality management objectives.

The qualified rate of finished products is 99%.

The customer satisfaction rate is 95%.

The incidence of major safety accidents is 0.

Ii. Internal quality management.

1. Quality management organization.

To cooperate with quality management system to normal operation, the company reasonable division in the organization, personnel implementing optimized combination, by the President, head of the company quality good faith management, fully responsible for the daily management work of the company.

Established quality assurance department, production manufacturing, purchasing, equipment, sales department, administration department, hr department, finance department, etc., each department responsibilities clear, the division of labor cooperation, common to complete the company's quality good faith management, ensure the quality integrity management system effective operation and continuous improvement, quality good faith to achieve goals.

The company establishes the quality policy and the quality integrity goal, the personnel, the plant, the facility and the equipment can guarantee the realization quality policy and the target condition. Established the independent quality credit management system and related system, set up the quality management department, the production management department and so on the management organization, has clarified each department and the corresponding management personnel's responsibility.

The leadership attaches importance to the establishment of the quality control department of the company, which has a veto power, and no unit or individual has the right to interfere with the quality assurance department. The quality management organization shall have the staff responsible for the quality management of the company. The quality control department is equipped with physical and chemical inspection, microbiological inspection, pesticide residues inspection, packaging material inspection and on-site quality control. Responsible for the inspection, control, supervision and management of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products.

Attached: quality management organization chart.


(1) responsibilities of the quality management organization.

(1) organize and formulate the development plan and annual quality work plan of the quality system, and organize the implementation.

(2) organize, improve and review the quality department management system and work flow, and standardize the operation of quality assurance management.

(3) organize the implementation and import of the quality management system, and implement the audit and certification work of the quality management system.

(4) to be responsible for the inspection and the allocation of quality assurance resources to meet the quality and ensure the effectiveness of the operation of the system.

(5) organizing internal quality audit;

(6) strictly supervise the work of laboratory work and on-site quality control and prevent unqualified products from entering the market.

1. Quality management system.

Company according to GB/T22000-2006 "quality and safety management system, the requirements of all kinds of tissues in the food chain" IFS, and the international food standards, the BRC standard for global food safety standards and from the system and the company canned fruit, canned seafood and canned edible fungus production and operation of the actual established a documented safety management system, quality requirement company departments conscientiously study, implement and update when necessary, in order to continuously improve its effectiveness.

The company applied the principle of process method in the planning of quality safety management system, and considered the following requirements:

A) identify the processes required by the company to produce safe food and its application in the company. And determine the sequence and interaction of these processes.

B) to identify, evaluate and control the quality and safety hazards associated with the product within the scope of the system, so as to avoid direct or indirect harm to consumers by the company's products;

C) determine the criteria and methods required to ensure the effective functioning and control of these processes.

D) to ensure that reasonably expected and product-related food safety hazards are identified, evaluated and controlled within the framework of the system so as to avoid direct or indirect harm to consumers by the company's products.

E) communication of appropriate information related to product safety throughout the food chain;

F) within the company about the quality and safety management system to establish, implement and update the necessary information communication, to ensure that meet the GB/T22000-2006 "quality and safety management system - requirements for all types of organizations in the food chain" IFS, "international food standards, the BRC global food safety standards and from the system, ensure the quality and safety;

G) monitor, measure and regularly evaluate the quality safety management system and update it when necessary to ensure that the system reflects the company's activities and contains up-to-date information on the quality and safety hazards that need to be controlled.

The processes required for the company's quality safety management system include processes related to management activities, resource provisioning, product planning and implementation, and validation, measurement, analysis, and improvement.

There is no outsourcing process for the quality safety management system.

The quality of the company safety policy is the company's management objective, is to ensure product safety commitment, is the company's quality and safety management, from the first to provides a framework for the establishment of company quality and safety goals. Should pass the slogan, documents, meeting, training and other forms of propaganda and the quality of the public company security policy, outsiders can get, make the company internal departments and personnel to know and understand its meaning. Review the suitability of the management review and modify it when necessary.

Iii. Integrity of the enterprise.

(I) quality integrity management.

1. The integrity of employees education.

In order to firmly establish the integrity awareness of all employees, the company makes the annual quality integrity education training program at the beginning of each year. According to the requirements of the company, the head department of each department will prepare education training plan and content, and carefully organize the education training of subordinates. Each workshop director is responsible for the team leader and staff's integrity propaganda education work. Company posted or communicate through special training, the written word, advanced quality good faith staff exchange of experience, the use of early meeting or briefing, using a variety of ways such as the pictures show the enterprise staff quality good faith education. Company to excellent results in the quality good faith education training personnel to offer certain reward, through training on the job after play an exemplary or outstanding grades also give a reward to employees, at the same time in the staff publicity and promotion experience. For employees who fail to participate in the quality integrity education training or fail to pass the training assessment, they shall be given a certain punishment.

2. Product design integrity management.

Enterprise product design and development of strictly according to the design and development control procedures, from food research and development, process all kinds of active record, summarize the development process, management control for examination and assessment of the whole process of food research and development related.

3. Purchase integrity management of raw and auxiliary materials.

Enterprises to evaluate the supplier according to purchasing products category, when purchasing purchasing department to determine the qualified supplier list, issued a "supplier evaluation", the quality of supplier products, availability, equipment capacity, transport capacity, the delivery price, the quality management system, personnel quality, etc to investigate evaluation, personnel sent to the supplier when necessary factory on-the-spot investigation and evaluation. The supplier list evaluated by the purchasing supply department is officially qualified as a qualified supplier after approval by the general manager. The purchasing supply department shall meet the qualified supplier once a year for one review and the qualified supplier shall be the qualified supplier for the next year. For materials to the factory, the quality assurance department organization personnel for inspection for incoming goods, in addition to the number of incoming goods, packing, appearance outside waiting for validation, quality assurance department of the material should also be according to the incoming inspection plan for validation

4. Good faith management in production process.

The production department is responsible for the production process planning and control, according to the production instructions, according to the production process flow chart, various process CARDS, work instruction, organize the production workshops to implement production and control.

The equipment maintenance department is responsible for the installation, maintenance and maintenance of the equipment in the production process, and the maintenance and maintenance of production equipment, as well as the production equipment maintenance plan.

The quality assurance department is responsible for formulating inspection specifications and organizing inspectors to monitor and measure products.

The purchasing department is responsible for the procurement of equipment, process equipment and other materials.

The production department shall prepare the production plan for the approval of the factory department and supervise the implementation.

The personnel department is responsible for organizing and implementing the operation of key processes and training of data analysts. , after the workshop focused on training and shift to the operating personnel to conduct a comprehensive job skills training, hold relevant certificates, and carries on the inspection, the inspection in many ways, enhance staff quality consciousness, improve the level of operation

Each production workshop is responsible for the control of the production process. In the process of production, management personnel at all levels strictly perform management functions, timely check and correct mistakes in time to ensure the stability of production order. Required for production of raw materials, auxiliary materials, packaging materials for review before feeding, the good quality of the intermediate products and finished products, strict enforcement of "not producing nonconforming, not receiving nonconforming, not circulation of nonconforming product" of the "three principles", the key working procedure quality control point, supervise staff do a good job in self-inspection, mutual inspection, verification procedures, perform monitoring batch records management discipline, strictly do recipients, issue and check the unity. The material balance shall be carried out for each production step to ensure that the input of materials and the output quantity of the products are consistent with the process requirements, and there is no potential quality hidden trouble, which meets the registration requirements.

5. Product after-sales quality management.

The company establishes a perfect marketing service management system, the sales department sets up full-time after-sales service staff, and sets up a service hotline. The sales department of the company is responsible for the management of the after-sales service information file, according to the detailed classification and archiving on time and regularly.

(2) construction of enterprise quality culture.

1. Safe production management.

Measures to establish safety management institutionalized, standardization, and safety management system, work standard to my company set up safety management organization, set up production safety committee, has been clear about the full-time safety management personnel, security project meetings on a regular basis.

Companies according to their own characteristics make the use of special equipment management system, including homework personnel training education system, maintenance system, hidden perils in daily inspection system, management system, safety meeting system, file management system, regular inspection system, special equipment system of energy saving and emission reduction, safety objective management system, subject to security inspection management system.

The company has set the goal of safe production management, decomposed into various departments and carried out strict assessment. The safe production responsibility system from the President to the staff was developed. Through the development of "safe production month", improve the staff safety production quality.

2. Environmental protection management.

Enterprises have always attached great importance to environmental protection, sewage treatment, advanced sewage treatment center and sewage treatment, and all drainage indexes have reached national regulations. The clean production has been inspected and accepted by the environmental protection bureau of longhai city, and has obtained the emission pollutant permit.

3. Labor protection management.

In order to strengthen the labor protection of the worker, the company to promote the safe production, maintaining the order of the company's production, to ensure the safety of the worker's personal safety and the property of the company, formulate the corresponding labor protection system; To issue labor protection articles, and set up the personnel health management regulations, at least once a year for all employees.

Iv. Quality basis of the enterprise.

1. Product quality standard.

The fruit and vegetable products produced by our company mainly include canned mushroom, canned fruit of litchi, canned pineapple, canned asparagus, canned sweet corn, canned mixed fruit, canned tomato sauce, etc. Mixed fruit can be used in enterprise standard Q/ZZZS 0015s-2015. Enterprises to participate in the revision of QB/T 1406-2014 canned bamboo shoots, canned food inspection QB/T 1006-1006 rule, QB/T 1375-2015, canned fish, shellfish, QB/T 1374-1374 cans, QB/T 4631-2014 canned food packing, marking, transportation and storage, canned coriander heart QB/T 4626-4626, GB/T 13208-2008-7 items such as canned asparagus revision. Won the China standard innovation contribution award in 2013. Lin dong is a member of the third committee of China food industry association.

2. Enterprise measurement level.

Ensure measuring devices, instruments and equipment for product inspection after calibration (qualified calibration service) and effective, exact all quality inspection activities effectively, and through the records of quality activities, ensure its traceability.

3. Accreditation status.

Companies in August 2017 to obtain HACCP certificate number: 001 haccp1400463, in November 2017 for IFS certificate number: CC - IFS - 21/17201 January 7 years to get halal certificate number: ARA - 90017596-1701201 on November 5, 5 years to obtain the good faith management system certificate number: 20 - FJFA (fujian) 15-0002201 February 7 years obtain the BRC certificate number: CC - PBR - 41/17

4. Laboratory testing ability.

The company establishes quality assurance department, undertakes the quality inspection function. Company quality control department has perfect quality testing facilities and equipment, equipped with international advanced testing instruments, with U.S. imports agilent 1100 gas chromatograph, liquid chromatograph, and 6890 uv-vis spectrophotometer instrument, microscope and other instruments, improve the detection means. Most of the key personnel with college or above degree are trained in food specialty, biology major, microbiology and other professional training and safety protection training.

V. product quality responsibility.

1. Product quality commitment.

The company "food production license" (no. : SC10935068103378) will be issued on June 16, 2017, with a deadline of February 15, 2022, and the scope of the license includes canned goods (canned fruits and vegetables, other cans).

The company promises according to GB/T22000-2006 "quality and safety management system - requirements for all types of organizations in the food chain" IFS, "international food standards, the BRC global food safety standards, from the system and the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, the requirements of customers to establish and implement quality and safety management system, and through continuous improvement, caused the company to the quality and safety management system of continuous development and improvement of and through the following action, to ensure that the pledge.

2. Product recall.

To facilitate full and timely withdraw as unsafe product batches, the company establish and maintain the "management procedure of product recall", after delivery of the products may be food safety hazards, to notify the relevant interested parties and implement product recall, and keep record. Prevent does not conform to the quality and safety of unqualified products delivered to customers and consumers, as well as the method to implement product recall, minimize quality accidents, to establish a good image of the quality of our products, make customer satisfied.

Vi. Quality risk management.

(1) quality complaint handling: the company establishes the customer satisfaction and complaint management procedure to continuously improve the service quality and satisfy the customers through the measurement of customer satisfaction. Provide customers with satisfactory service, timely and properly handle customer complaints, and continuously improve product and service quality.

(2) the quality risk monitoring: the company set up the protection plan for process safety, personnel safety and the safety of the water and ice, lab safety, enterprise internal and external, shipping and receiving safety, set up the quality safety and risk control.

(3) emergency management: the company set up the emergency preparedness and response control procedures for the possibility of food safety incidents or emergency situations for emergency preparedness and response control measures, to ensure the food safety incidents or emergency situations occur get timely treatment, reduce risk and loss.

The third part is the conclusion.

The construction of quality integrity is the common responsibility of the whole society, and we need everyone's joint efforts. Only the whole food production and management enterprise unify the thought, raises the understanding, the honest management, assumes the enterprise quality safety first responsibility person's responsibility, can maintain the whole image of the food industry. We must join hands to ensure the quality and safety of food and ensure the health and safety of the people. In order to speed up the enterprise credit construction, constantly improve the enterprise integrity construction level; To eliminate the industry reputation crisis caused by a few illegal enterprises, establish a new image of food industry; In order to create a good business atmosphere and a good market economic order, we should make our due contribution to the healthy and orderly and fast development of our food industry.


The last one:Zhangzhou zishan food industry co., LTD. 2016 quality credit report.

The next one:Purple mountain youth spring shining flower fair.

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