Hongshuihe, President of zishan group, is a visiting professor of zhangzhou vocational and technical


On December 6, hongshui river, the President of zishan group, was hired as visiting professor of zhangzhou vocational and technical college. The President of the school, kang xi, presented a visiting professor to the President.

On the same day, the chairman of the group, hongshui river, made a special lecture entitled "keeping good faith and improving the quality of The Times" in the academic lecture hall of the entrepreneurship building of zhangzhou vocational and technical college. The President combined with the teachers and students to share the purple mountain entrepreneurship experience, the enterprise transformation and upgrading situation and the future development plan. The President's real experience, wonderful exposition, arouse the positive response of teachers and students.

During the period, senior vice President of the group, gao qishan, introduced the company profile, corporate culture and other aspects, and welcomed graduates to the purple mountain for employment and employment.


The last one:Purple mountain youth spring shining flower fair.

The next one:The vice mayor of zhangzhou, Chen shu, visited purple mountain.

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