• Zishan Group was awarded the first batch of

    Zishan Group was awarded the first batch of "Zhangzhou Time honored Brands"2024-10-22

    On September 30th, the Commerce Bureau, Culture and Tourism Bureau, and Market Supervision Bureau of Zhangzhou City jointly reviewed and announced the first batch of "Zhangzhou Time honored Brand" recognition list, and Fujian Zishan Group Co., Ltd. was recognized.In the first batch of "Zhangzhou Time honored Brands" list, in addition to Zishan Group, there are 18 other brand...

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  • The 40 Year Development Path of Zishan Group

    The 40 Year Development Path of Zishan Group2024-10-22

    The tide of the East Sea rises, and the sun rises in ZishanAccompanied by the footsteps of timeZishan Group has gone through 40 yearsIn the past 40 years, Zishan has adhered to its original intention, focused on food, and kept singing along the way. Starting from 5000 yuan at the beginning of the company's establishment, it has become a "major taxpayer" of private enterprises in t...

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  • Zishan holds Mid Autumn Festival staff lottery activity, full of joy!

    Zishan holds Mid Autumn Festival staff lottery activity, full of joy!2024-10-22

    The full moon brings people together, and the Mid Autumn Festival arrives. On the morning of September 14th, on the occasion of the festive season, the group's labor union carefully organized the 2024 Mid Autumn Festival employee lottery activity, aiming to allow hardworking employees to feel the warmth and fun of collective activities while busy.The event site is filled with a joyful and p...

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  • On August 1st, the glory of the army is shared to recount the soul of the military

    On August 1st, the glory of the army is shared to recount the soul of the military2024-08-12

    On the afternoon of July 31, on the occasion of the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Zishan Group held a special "August 1st Veterans' Symposium" to pay the highest respect and holiday blessings to the retired soldiers who once defended their families and the country and continue to shine in the enterprise today!At the meeting, Vice Pre...

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  • Anchor the goal firmly and act diligently

    Anchor the goal firmly and act diligently2024-08-12

    On July 24th, Zishan Group held a business analysis meeting for the first half of 2024, summarizing the work achievements of the past six months and conducting in-depth analysis and planning of the business strategy for the second half of the year.The meeting kicked off in a tense and orderly atmosphere, with members of the group leadership team, managers and deputy managers of various factory ...

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