• Fish and water situation of military and civilian

    Fish and water situation of military and civilian2020-07-02

    On the morning of July 1, Zhu Senyuan, head of the 73156 army of the Chinese people's Liberation Army, and his party visited Zishan for a visit and return visit, accompanied by Lin Yanbiao, director of the armed Department of the high tech Zone, Hong Changshui, chairman of the Zishan group, and honghonghe, President of the Zishan group. Zhu Zhengwei and his party visited the champion tree p...

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  • The fifth member (staff) Congress of Zishan group trade union closed successfully

    The fifth member (staff) Congress of Zishan group trade union closed successfully2020-07-02

    On June 30, the fifth member (employee) Congress of Zishan group trade union was held successfully. Xu Zhenhua, executive vice chairman of the trade union of Zhangzhou high tech Zone, Zhang Chuan, deputy secretary of the Party committee of yancuo Town, Hongshuihe, Secretary of the Party committee of Zishan group, and nearly 100 staff representatives attended the meeting. Chairman Xu Zhenhua, on...

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  • Party Day activities

    Party Day activities2020-07-02

    In order to commemorate the 99th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Party committee of Fujian Zishan Group Co., Ltd. held a party meeting in the afternoon of June 30. Zhang Chuan, deputy secretary of the Party committee of yancuo Town, Honghe, Secretary of Zishan Party committee, Gao Qiongshan, deputy secretary of Zishan Party committee, and all Party members atten...

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  • International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas

    International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas2020-06-08

    On the morning of June 5, Sui Pengfei, director of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas of the people's Republic of China, and his delegation visited Zishan for investigation and research.The research team visited the exhibition hall and plant area of Zishan, understood the culture and products of Zishan, and fully affirmed the development ...

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  • Zhangzhou city held a symposium of entrepreneurs' representatives

    Zhangzhou city held a symposium of entrepreneurs' representatives2020-06-08

        Novel coronavirus pneumonia was held in the forenoon of April 23rd. The Secretary of the Party committee, Shao Yulong and mayor Liu Yuan, held talks with our city entrepreneurs representatives. They stressed the need to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important speech of general secretary Xi Jinping on the promotion of new crown pneumonia prevention and contr...

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