Zhangzhou city held a symposium of entrepreneurs' representatives



   Novel coronavirus pneumonia was held in the forenoon of April 23rd. The Secretary of the Party committee, Shao Yulong and mayor Liu Yuan, held talks with our city entrepreneurs representatives. They stressed the need to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the important speech of general secretary Xi Jinping on the promotion of new crown pneumonia prevention and control and economic and social development, conscientiously implement the spirit of the provincial Party committee Yu Weiguoshu's speech and research, and further boost confidence, drive hard, forge ahead and carry forward the government and enterprises. We should work together to overcome the difficulties and strive to win both the prevention and control of the epidemic and the economic and social development.

    At the symposium, 16 representatives of entrepreneurs, such as Honghe, President of Zishan group, introduced the situation of resumption of production and the difficulties encountered, and put forward relevant suggestions. President Hong proposed that "under the influence of the epidemic, consumers' choice of food may change from" health and health "to" health and health ". In the face of new opportunities, food enterprises can only meet the needs of consumption by continuously innovating and upgrading their products. It is suggested to increase financial support, reduce the burden of enterprise taxes and fees, speed up the formulation of the policy of leaving the city and entering the park, implement the subsidy for stable employment, and make every effort to help enterprises to tide over difficulties and boost the high-quality development of enterprises ".

"Be confident and strong."

    Secretary Shao Yulong pointed out that in the face of difficulties and challenges, confidence is more important than gold.

Confidence stems from the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core and the superiority of China's socialist system. Confidence stems from the unlimited potential and vitality of Zhangzhou. Confidence is rooted in the political responsibility, responsibility and social responsibility of entrepreneurs in our city.

We need to take a comprehensive, dialectical and long-term view of the development situation, strengthen confidence, maintain determination, accurately recognize changes and make scientific response, and comprehensively promote resumption of work and full production in the prevention and control of normalized epidemic situation.

"Be enterprising and hard-working."

    Secretary Shao Yulong hoped that the majority of entrepreneurs would further promote the spirit of "love to fight, win, dare to be the first", be good at finding opportunities in danger and turning them into opportunities, and actively seek new changes and survival in the epidemic situation.

● we should "survive", save our strength, and focus on the main industry without any distraction on the premise of paying close attention to epidemic prevention and control.

● we should "sink down", practice our internal skills, seek benefits from management, constantly improve our weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses, and enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise.

● we need to "go global", open up markets, take the initiative to adapt to the new changes in consumer formats and business models under the epidemic situation, and make every effort to expand new markets through the combination of international and domestic emphasis and online and offline integration.

● we need to "climb up", accelerate transformation and upgrading, and strive to promote the downstream expansion of the industrial chain to the upstream and the low-end climbing to the high-end of the value chain.

"Work together, work together."

   Secretary Shao Yulong also stressed that party committees and governments at all levels and relevant departments should take the enterprise's affairs as the top priority, vigorously promote the style of "do it now, do it really", implement the "five ones" requirements, help the enterprise to rescue and solve the difficulties quickly, spare no effort to serve the enterprise, and work together with the enterprise.

   Enterprises should develop in groups and be supply chains for each other, realize complementary advantages and coordinated development, strive to become bigger, stronger and better for a long time, and make new and greater contributions to the acceleration of economic and social development in Zhangzhou.

   City leaders Zhang Linguang, Wu wentuan, Fang Murong, Zhang Yiteng, LAN Wan'an, Hou Weidong, leaders of the municipal court and the municipal procuratorate, heads of counties (cities, districts), development zones (investment zones) and relevant departments directly under the Municipal Government participated in the discussion.


The last one:The 36th anniversary celebration and commendation conference of Zishan group

The next one:International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas

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