Summit dialogue between President of Zishan group and industry guests


On May 29, the development forum of China's health food industry with the theme of "trend wins the future" was held in Longhai District, Zhangzhou. The forum focused on the big health trend, explored the development of nutrition and health industry from multi-dimensional perspectives and various forms, and lit up the industrial direction with the light of ideas.

The Forum gathered well-known experts, scholars and industry elites in the fields of production, sales, scientific research, universities and marketing. Hongshuihe, the president of Zishan group, was invited to attend the forum as a representative of the enterprise to launch a high-end dialogue with the forum guests to boost the development of the health food industry.

During the peak dialogue on hot topics such as product innovation, brand original intention, supply side and demand side, situational consumption, transformation and upgrading, President Hong shared his experience on "innovation" with representatives of elite enterprises in the industry.

The president expressed his own view: innovation is always on the way for food enterprises in the future. He believes that after the information symmetry in the Internet era, innovation ranks first among enterprises, and enterprises should enhance their innovation ability through cooperation with colleges and universities.

He said: "if there is no innovation, today's products are incremental, and tomorrow's products may be stock products, because the iterative speed of products is accelerating, which puts forward higher challenges and requirements for enterprises. The future manufacturing should be intelligent manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing and knowledge manufacturing. "

Finally, the president said that if an enterprise wants to develop well, it must do a good job in two aspects: first, it must pay attention to R & D. with the advent of a new era, products are constantly iterating, and only innovation can stop at products; The second is to grasp the management. When the enterprise develops to a certain stage, it is necessary to establish enterprise confidence and enterprise culture, and upgrade the management mode. The president's sharing resonated in the forum and caused warm applause.


The last one:Zishan group won

The next one:President of the group, won the title of "outstanding private entrepreneur in Fujian Province"!

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