Zishan group won



On May 14, xuhuali, a second level researcher of Zhangzhou general trade union, zhangguangming, head of the municipal general office and linchengyi, the fourth level chief of the municipal general office, visited Zishan to carry out the investigation and party history publicity activities. Yanghuaisheng, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of high tech Zone, chairman of the trade union of the District, xuzhenhua, the executive vice chairman of the trade union of the District, participated in the event.


Xu Huali, Yang Huaisheng, etc. presented the medal and award to Mr. Hongshuihe, President of Zishan group, the representative of "provincial May 1st Labor Award".

Xu Huali and his party visited the exhibition hall, the party building room and the staff's home of the enterprise in Zishan. They listened to the introduction of the enterprise's development history and had a detailed understanding of the enterprise's production and operation status and the development of the enterprise's trade union work.

On the same day, the Municipal Federation of trade unions also carried out the party history study and education propaganda in Zishan group. Researcher Xu Huali explained in simple terms the history of the workers' movement in Zhangzhou and the Centennial party history of the Communist Party of China, which led us to review that magnificent history.

It is an important achievement for Zishan group to improve the working system of trade union. On this basis, Zishan will continue to work hard on building mechanisms, strengthening functions and increasing effectiveness, enhance the functions of solidarity education, safeguarding rights and interests, and serving workers, so as to make trade union organizations more energetic and strong under the leadership of the party.


The last one:The eighth

The next one:Summit dialogue between President of Zishan group and industry guests

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