• The 36th anniversary celebration and commendation conference of Zishan group

    The 36th anniversary celebration and commendation conference of Zishan group2020-03-30

    On March 30, hongchangshui, chairman of Zishan group, Honghe, President of Zishan group, senior managers and managers of all units gathered together to attend the 36th anniversary celebration of Zishan's entrepreneurship, and at the same time, 33 old employees on the site were awarded "Diamond employees" certificates and souvenirs.Meeting site (above)Gao Qiongshan, vice president,...

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  • Zishan group special train for returning nearly 50 employees from other provinces

    Zishan group special train for returning nearly 50 employees from other provinces2020-03-02

    At 5:30 p.m. on March 1, after 56 hours and 3600 kilometers of running, two special buses carrying nearly 50 Yunnan employees of Zishan slowly drove into the gate of Zishan group. Under the escort of Zhangzhou tra-ffic police detachment, the special train arrived at the factory area of the company.At present, the prevention and control of the epidemic is still the top priority, and resumpt...

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  • Shao Yulong, Secretary of the municipal Party committee, came to Zishan to guide the work

    Shao Yulong, Secretary of the municipal Party committee, came to Zishan to guide the work2020-02-15

    Forenoon, same as below, Shao Yulong, novel coronavirus pneumonia leader, was sent to the party in charge of the work of the new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control committee in February 14th.Secretary Shao carefully observed and understood the implementation of Zishan's prevention and control measures and the resumption of production, and gave full affirmation to Zishan's f...

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  • Resume of mushroom picker

    Resume of mushroom picker2020-02-12

    The above picture shows Hongya, a mushroom picker, working on the mushroom canning lineOn February 11, the second day after returning to work, there was no bustling scene in the past near the gate post of Zishan group, only a serious scene of strict prevention and control and active investigation."Temperature 36.4 ℃, no fever." The security guard of the gate post, holding the thermome...

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  • Unite as one to help fight

    Unite as one to help fight 2020-02-09

           The new type of coronavirus infection of pneumonia affects the hearts of the people all over the country. Hongchangshui, chairman of Zishan group, Honghe, President of Zishan group, and the senior management of the company attach great importance to the development of the epidemic. They not only respond quickly in the first time, but also take a number ...

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