Opening a new chapter to showcase new responsibilities | The 6th Congress of the Communist Party of


This morning, the 6th General Conference of the Communist Party of China's Zishan Group was grandly held at the group headquarters. The purpose of this conference is to summarize the achievements of past work, elect a new party committee, and lay a solid foundation for the future development of the group. All party members of Zishan Group attended the meeting, and Chen Huiyong, Deputy Secretary of Yancuo Town Party Committee, and Zhu Rijie, Town Organization Committee Member, were invited to attend. Chen Huiyong, on behalf of the Town Party Committee, congratulated the convening of the meeting and delivered an important speech. The meeting was chaired by Gao Qiongshan, Deputy Secretary of the Group Party Committee.


Chen Huiyong, Deputy Secretary of the Town Party Committee

Town Organization Committee Member Zhu Rijie

The conference kicked off with the solemn national anthem. The fifth representative of the Party Committee, Hongshui River, gave a work report at the conference, reviewing the work achievements and lessons learned by the Zishan Group under the leadership of the Party in the past five years. They stated that they will continue to uphold the spirit of hard work and struggle of the people of Zishan, and invest in the reform, construction, and development of the company with an unwavering attitude. On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the group's establishment, they will make greater contributions to the higher quality development of the company and the goal of "billion yuan Zishan and a hundred year Zishan".


Report on the Work of Group Party Secretary Hongshui River

Subsequently, the conference entered the election stage for the new party committee. After anonymous voting by all party members, 7 new members of the Party Committee were elected through a differential election. After election by the committee, Comrade Hongshuihe was appointed as the Secretary of the Group Party Committee, and Comrade Gao Qiongshan was appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee. On behalf of the new party committee, Hongshui River delivered an enthusiastic speech to all party members. He stated that he will closely focus on the development goals of the group, take party building as the guide, reform and innovation as the driving force, and high-quality development as the main line, continue to contribute his strength to the future development of Zishan Group with higher enthusiasm and stricter standards, consciously accept the supervision of party members, and never let down the trust and support of all party members.


Party member voting

With the solemn singing of the Internationale, the Party member conference came to a successful conclusion. We believe that under the leadership of the new party committee, Zishan Group will continue to maintain a stable development trend and strive to achieve higher goals.

On the same morning, the 6th Member (Employee) Representative Conference of the Zishan Group Trade Union was successfully held. The purpose of this conference is to summarize the achievements of trade union work, elect a new trade union committee, and inject new vitality into the group's trade union work. Hong Changshui, Chairman of Zishan Group, and Honghe, Secretary of the Group Party Committee, attended the meeting.


Chairman Hong Changshui delivers a speech

At the meeting, Gao Qiongshan gave a work report on behalf of the previous trade union committee, reviewing the efforts and achievements made by the Zishan Group trade union in the past three years under the leadership of the Party to safeguard the rights and interests of employees and promote enterprise development. They stated that they will continue to carry forward their fine traditions and contribute to the union work of the group.


Work Report by Gao Qiongshan, Chairman of the Group Trade Union

The conference reviewed and approved the union work report and conducted a union election. Representatives elected the 6th Union Committee and Union Funds Review Committee of the Zishan Group Union through anonymous voting. At the meeting, Gao Qiongshan was elected as the chairman of the company's labor union and signed a "Special Collective Negotiation Contract for Wages" with the Party Secretary and President of Zishan Group, Honghe, on site.

Union Chairman Gao Qiongshan and Group Party Secretary and President Hongshui He signed a "Special Collective Contract for Wages"

The successful holding of this conference has injected new impetus into the labor union work of Zishan Group. We look forward to the new labor union committee fully playing its role, actively fulfilling its responsibilities, uniting and leading all employees of Zishan to contribute to the acceleration of the company's new development and construction.

Group photo of the new union members

Group photo of the new Party committee members


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