Zishan Group held the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party and the


In order to enhance the cohesion, appeal, and combat effectiveness of the Party, guide and motivate Party members and cadres in Zishan to stick to their original aspirations and fulfill their missions, this morning, the Party Committee of Zishan Group held a celebration of the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Party and the "July 1st" Party Congress. Party Secretary Honghe attended the meeting and delivered a speech, while Vice Party Secretary Gao Qiongshan presided over the meeting, and all Party members attended the meeting.

The Song of Purple Mountain Spreads Fireworks


The conference kicked off amidst the resounding singing of all party members. In his speech, Party Secretary Honghe requested that all Party members fully leverage their pioneering and fortress role in the critical period of enterprise transformation and development, and prioritize safety production. All party members should strengthen their work responsibilities, eliminate disharmonious and unstable factors in production activities to the greatest extent possible, and continuously promote the construction of a safe and harmonious Zishan.

He emphasized: "As party members of non-public enterprises, we should firmly listen to the Party's words and follow it. We should not only have ideals in our hearts, but also be down-to-earth. We should be Zishan people who have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can endure hardships, and are willing to work hard. With new atmosphere, new responsibilities, new actions, and new breakthroughs, we should contribute Zishan strength and worker strength to the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country

Proud oath to keep one's original intention


The Party Secretary of Zishan Group, Hongshui River, took the oath and led all party members to review the oath of joining the party. Vocal oath reminds every party member and cadre of their original intention and mission.

At the end of the conference, Gao Qiongshan, Deputy Secretary of the Group Party Committee, called on everyone to enjoy the clapper rap "Forever Follow the Party and Share the Dream of Purple Mountain", and gave warm applause to the hard working performers.



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