Zishan group participated in the love activities of high tech Zone


On February 5, Zishan group participated in the "welcome the new year, warm the heart and help the poor" activity organized by the Red Cross Society of Zhangzhou high tech Zone and the working committee of the Youth League in yancuo Central Primary School. Fang Jingwei, executive vice president of the Red Cross Society of Zhangzhou City, and Chen yinghuang, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of Zhangzhou high tech Zone and President of the Red Cross Society of Zhangzhou District, jointly participated in the activity, distributing consolation money to 83 poor students and 2 disabled children, encouraging them to overcome difficulties, and constantly strive for self-improvement and optimism in adversity. Chen yinghuang, member of the Party Working Committee, deputy director of the management committee and President of the Red Cross Society of Zhangzhou high tech Zone, presented the donation certificate to our company.

Taking "Siyuan" as the main line of corporate culture, Zishan group has been supporting Sangzi for a long time through the love aid activities. It has helped seven students in yancuo town in pairs. It not only gives them a grant, but also gives them careful spiritual help. It encourages students to build up confidence, overcome temporary difficulties, study hard, be grateful to the society, inherit the spirit of fraternity, and pass on the love.


The last one:Working conference of Zishan group in 2021

The next one:Celebration of the 37th anniversary of the founding of Zishan Industrial Park

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