Talent Concept

Talent Concept

Talent is the company's most valuable asset.

Reputation is the company's most valuable asset.

The company's infinite vitality is to respect people, understand people, care about people, cultivate people.

Quality is the life of an enterprise. Our company is not only a first-class enterprise producing high quality products, but also a big school to train modern freshmen. The company treats the worker as the family member, the worker treats the company as the home. The maximization of the company's profit lies in the optimization of corporate image, and the company is always the strong backing of the bold innovator.

Recruitment position

Production Operator

Recruitment number: 30 people

Gender: unlimited

Age: 18-55 years old

Education level: above primary school

Salary and benefits: 3500-6000

Monthly rest: 2 days

Welfare restaurant, paid five insurances, and free air-conditioned dormitory

Welfare policy:

1. Boarding food and accommodation, with a large restaurant featuring a variety of stir fried dishes, snacks, rice, and more;

2. Provide free accommodation (6-8 people/room free of water and electricity fees), air conditioning, and public bathrooms;

3. The holiday benefits are continuous, and gifts are given during the Mid Autumn Festival and Spring Festival;

4. Organize large-scale cultural and artistic activities during major festivals to enrich leisure life;

5. Adjacent to the Zhangzhou high-speed train station, the transportation is convenient.

6. Route: Go to Zhangzhou Passenger Transport Center Station and take buses 29 # and 901 # at the stopping platform - stop at "Xiagong Station" at Zhangzhou High Speed Railway Station (the journey takes about 10-15 minutes).

Contact person: Miss Zeng

Contact number: 0596-6667199; Zeng 13205969939

Email: hr@zishan.cn 

Company address: Zishan Industrial Park, Yancuo Town, Longhai City, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province (near Zhangzhou high-speed train station)

Machine operator

Recruitment number: 5 people

Gender: unlimited

Age: 18-50 years old

Education level: junior high school or above

Salary and benefits: 3500-6000

Monthly rest: 2 days

Welfare restaurant, paid five insurances, and free air-conditioned dormitory

Welfare policy:

1. Boarding food and accommodation, with a large restaurant featuring a variety of stir fried dishes, snacks, rice, and more;

2. Provide free accommodation (6-8 people/room free of water and electricity fees), air conditioning, and public bathrooms;

3. The holiday benefits are continuous, and gifts are given during the Mid Autumn Festival and Spring Festival;

4. Organize large-scale cultural and artistic activities during major festivals to enrich leisure life;

5. Adjacent to the Zhangzhou high-speed train station, the transportation is convenient.

6. Route: Go to Zhangzhou Passenger Transport Center Station and take buses 29 # and 901 # at the stopping platform - stop at "Xiagong Station" at Zhangzhou High Speed Railway Station (the journey takes about 10-15 minutes).

Contact person: Miss Zeng

Contact number: 0596-6667199; Zeng 13205969939

Email: hr@zishan.cn

Company address: Zishan Industrial Park, Yancuo Town, Longhai City, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province (near Zhangzhou high-speed train station)

Packaging worker

Recruitment number: 3 people

Gender: unlimited

Age: 18-45 years old

Education level: above primary school

Salary and benefits: 3500-5000

Monthly rest: 2 days

Welfare restaurant, paid five insurances, and free air-conditioned dormitory

Welfare policy:

1. Boarding food and accommodation, with a large restaurant featuring a variety of stir fried dishes, snacks, rice, and more;

2. Provide free accommodation (6-8 people/room free of water and electricity fees), air conditioning, and public bathrooms;

3. The holiday benefits are continuous, and gifts are given during the Mid Autumn Festival and Spring Festival;

4. Organize large-scale cultural and artistic activities during major festivals to enrich leisure life;

5. Adjacent to the Zhangzhou high-speed train station, the transportation is convenient.

6. Route: Go to Zhangzhou Passenger Transport Center Station and take buses 29 # and 901 # at the stopping platform - stop at "Xiagong Station" at Zhangzhou High Speed Railway Station (the journey takes about 10-15 minutes).

Contact person: Miss Zeng

Contact number: 0596-6667199; Zeng 13205969939

Email: hr@zishan.cn

Company address: Zishan Industrial Park, Yancuo Town, Longhai City, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province (near Zhangzhou high-speed train station)


Recruitment number: 5 people

Gender: unlimited

Age: 20-45 years old

Education level: junior high school or above

Salary and benefits: 3500-5000

Monthly rest: 2 days

Welfare restaurant, paid five insurances, and free air-conditioned dormitory

Welfare policy:

1. Boarding food and accommodation, with a large restaurant featuring a variety of stir fried dishes, snacks, rice, and more;

2. Provide free accommodation (6-8 people/room free of water and electricity fees), air conditioning, and public bathrooms;

3. The holiday benefits are continuous, and gifts are given during the Mid Autumn Festival and Spring Festival;

4. Organize large-scale cultural and artistic activities during major festivals to enrich leisure life;

5. Adjacent to the Zhangzhou high-speed train station, the transportation is convenient.

6. Route: Go to Zhangzhou Passenger Transport Center Station and take buses 29 # and 901 # at the stopping platform - stop at "Xiagong Station" at Zhangzhou High Speed Railway Station (the journey takes about 10-15 minutes).

Contact person: Miss Zeng

Contact number: 0596-6667199; Zeng 13205969939

Email: hr@zishan.cn

Company address: Zishan Industrial Park, Yancuo Town, Longhai City, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province (near Zhangzhou high-speed train station)

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